Red Carpet Living
Peace Spirits – Oh God, May 1, 2020 There’s a song we are all looking for – in our collective experience – in our search – in our edges – creature comforts and unknowns. Oh God can be such song Especially curated in the moment that is, oh God is more than a prayer or a plee. It’s more than Gospel...
Warlock Asylum International
Peace Spirits – Oh God,April 27, 2020 Based out of Canada, the highly talented group called Peace Spirits is a musical outfit that uses their creative energies for the upliftment of others. Peace Spirits live up to their name by offering an intrinsically organic sound and moving prose about...
The Band Camp Diaries
Peace Spirits – Oh God April 27, 2020 Peace Spirits introducing brand new single, “Oh God.” April 2020: Peace Spirits recently released a brand new studio single tiled “Oh God.” The sound is a perfect example of the artist’s innovative approach to production, combining soothing atmospheres and...
Peace Spirits – Oh God, April 27, 2020 Oh God is a new single from Canadian-based band, Peace Spirits. This beautifully performed and spiritually satisfying song aims to help people find their peaceful center. Featuring religious sentiments expressed in their purest and most sincere form, the...
Woke Chimp
Peace Spirits – Oh God April 25, 2020 Peace Spirits have officially released their first single ‘OH GOD’ as of the 7th of April this year. The Canadian musical group were originally formed by singer-songwriter Kyla Lynn Vezina and drummer/engineer/producer John Lovaghy. The group are currently in...
Camden Monthly
Peace Spirits – Oh God April 25, 2020 PEACE SPIRITS, is a Canadian musical group formed by Singer/Songwriter Kyla Lynn Vezina, and Drummer/Engineer/Producer John Lovaghy. Peace Spirits mission is to promote world peace and bring piece of mind through expression in songs to help listeners see the...
She Wolf
Peace Spirits – Oh God April 25, 2020 Eine Botschaft des Friedens, so könnte man die Songs der kanadischen Formation Peace Spirits kurz und bündig beschreiben. Gegründet von Sängerin und Songwriterin Kyla Lynn Vezina und Schlagzeuger, sowie Produzent John Lovaghy, lautet die Mission des Duos, den...
Planet Singer
Peace Spirits – Oh God April 24, 2020 In these times more than ever we need positivity, gratitude, and peace. Today we had the chance to listen to a band that makes positive vibes and serenity their main aim, bringing peace to all the listeners and hopefully help them during hard times. Peace...
Beach Sloth Blog
Peace Spirits – Oh God April 24, 2020 Optimism and faith come to the forefront on Peace Spirits’ soothing “Oh God”. Everything about it shimmers and shines. Production goes for a glowing, angelic hue. Instrumentally rich the satisfying drones wash over the listener. Elements of pop inform the...